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OIV MSc in Wine Management | Loire Valley

回巴黎開學,上了兩星期的課後,第一個考察便是到 Loire Valley 了~

在 10 月 4 日到 9 日期間,小女子到了友校 ESA 上課、參觀了 17 家酒莊和會見了兩個 Loire Valley 的組織 - InterLoire 和 BIVC 了解該區業況。

Loire Valley 是目前為止小女子最 Enjoy 的一個 Module~這裏不但風景優美,而且基本所有 Winery Visit 都可以直接會見 Owner 和 Winemaker,當中不乏 Vineyard Visit (小女子最喜歡的部分)!最重要的是,Loire Valley 的葡萄酒非常高質,加上價錢平易近人,小女子認為該區的潛力非常大。

After 2-week lesson in Paris, we started the first module in Loire Valley.

From 4 to 9 October, we attended the lesson in ESA, visited 17 wineries and met 2 organisations from Loire Valley, InterLoire and BIVC, to learn about the wine industry situation of this region.

Loire Valley is the most enjoyable module for me so far. Not only because of the beautiful view and the amazing wine, but also we can meet the owners and winemakers directly and visit the vineyards (my favourite part) ! The quality of Loire Valley wine is exceptional, and the prices are approachable. The potential of this region must not be overlooked.






Hong Kong Wine Professional

OIV Master of Sciences in Wine Management 

DipWSET in Wines & Spirits • Level 3 Award in Sake

French Wine Scholar • Spanish Wine Scholar
Awardee of Alexandre Yersin Excellence Scholarship

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