自上年10月尾到訪意大利最西北的產區Aoste後,今年2月尾又重回意大利的懷抱~這次主要集中在意大利的中部和北部產酒區,包括Tuscany (Chianti、Montalcino、Maremma、Bolgheri、San Gimignano)、Umbria、Veneto、Alto Adige、Franciacorta和Piemonte (Barolo & Barbaresco)。
After visiting Aoste at the end of October 2021, we returned to Italy last month. This time, we focused on the central and northern wine regions of Italy, including Tuscany (Chianti, Montalcino, Maremma, Bolgheri, San Gimignano), Umbria, Veneto, Alto Adige, Franciacorta and Piemonte (Barolo & Barbaresco).
Unlike the short stay in Aoste, I spent few days in Milan and Florence with classmates to visit and experience the Italian culture.
影片中的意大利「國民飲料」Aperol Spritz是小女子最喜歡的Cocktail,基本上餐廳見到都會Order!價錢最便宜見過3 EUR,一般5-6 EUR,Milan的遊客區則8-12 EUR。
Aperol Spritz is one of the signatures in Italy and it is also my favourite cocktail. The cheapest price I have seen is 3 EUR, to 5 to 6 EUR in general, and it costs 8 to 12 EUR in the tourist area of Milan.
Apart from Parmesan cheese, Italian also add olive oil and black pepper to pasta. There is no doubt that the quality of Italian olive oil is really high. After 2 weeks eating with olive oil, I become a picky eater !
酒莊方面,這兩個星期一共拜訪了32家酒莊及相關組織,最開心就是參觀到Roagna、Biondi Santi和Roberto Voerzio~另外亦很高興可以到Gaja由Gaia Gaja親自帶我們參觀~這些難忘經歷容後再分別介紹。
Besides, we visited 32 wineries and related organisations in these 2 weeks. I am glad to visit Roagna, Biondi Santi and Roberto Voerzio. Besides, it was rally nice to have Gaia Gaja to guide us for the visit. I will share more very soon !
In conclude, the Italian food and wine culture is really impressive. I like it very much !
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