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OIV MSc in Wine Management | Greece

In early March, we travelled to Greece. During the 4-day visit, we went to Athens, and the second largest city, Thessaloniki, and visited 12 wineries. I wish I have more time to go to Santorini to see the white houses and ‘Kouloura’ (a special vine pruning)…may be next time!


在短短四日間,我們到了希臘首都雅典 (Athens),以及第二大城市塞薩洛尼基 (Thessaloniki),參觀了12家酒莊。可惜的是這次沒去聖托里尼(Santorini)看白色小屋和「鳥巢」(Kouloura)葡萄酒栽培法,唯有下次再去吧!

What surprised me the most in Greece is that there are not just sunshine and beaches, but also snow in the northern and inland area! It was snowing when we visited the wine regions of Amynteon and Naousa where near Thessaloniki. It was freezing but romantic.


Besides, the potential of Greek wine is very high and the quality is out of my expectation ! I will share more later and let’s have a look on the video first now!



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Hong Kong Wine Professional

OIV Master of Sciences in Wine Management 

DipWSET in Wines & Spirits • Level 3 Award in Sake

French Wine Scholar • Spanish Wine Scholar
Awardee of Alexandre Yersin Excellence Scholarship

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