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Loire Valley | Domaine Huet

於 Loire Valley Module 中,第三個不得分享的酒莊就是 Domaine Huet。

位於 Vouvray 的 Domaine Huet 於 1928 年成立,並在1988 年正式轉為以Biodynamic 方式種植,跟 Domaine Belargus 一樣專注釀造 Chenin Blanc,深受酒評家喜愛。

酒莊的背景小女子就不在這作詳細介紹了,有興趣可以參考下方連結。有趣的是,在參觀酒窖途中,接待我們的 Johan Le Calonnec 向我們展示酒窖頂部的葡萄藤根,說酒窖上方 30 米正在種植 Chenin Blanc。

此外,酒莊有個傳統 - 就是在 Harvest 最後一天採一束花,掛在酒窖直至下一年收成。圖中的這花束正是上年的花 (小女子於10月7日參觀,當時還在收成期中)。之後的參觀,小女子也在不同的酒莊見到這個傳統,感覺很有趣!

1. Domaine Haut Petillant Brut 2015

泡沬細緻,帶有檸檬、柑橘、青蘋果和一絲酵母氣息。口感清爽,整體簡單、平衡,非常平易近人,適合作餐前酒。FS 88+

Fine bubbles. This wine has aromas of lemon, citrus, green apple and touch of yeasty on the nose. It is fresh, easy and balance. Perfect for daily drink. FS 88+

2. Domaine Haut Vouvray Le Haut-lieu Sec 2019

散發出檸檬和蘋果的香氣和味道,入口更滲透出礦物感,配上活潑酸度,整體清爽、簡單。FS 86+

There is aromas of lemon and apple. The wine has apple and mineral sensation on the palate. The wine is fresh with lively acidity. It is simple and easy drinking. FS 86+

3. Domaine Haut Vouvray Le Mont Sec 2019

聞香一剎那已感受到咸礦物的氣息,加上檸檬和蘋果果香,提高了香氣層次,收結亦帶有一絲咸礦物味道。FS 87+

The wine has salty mineral, lemon and apple aromas. There is touch of salty mineral at the after taste as well. FS 87+

4. Domaine Huet Vouvray Le Haut-lieu Demi-sec 2020

這酒含有20 g/L的殘糖量,散發出檸檬和白花香。入口帶微甜,富有成熟蘋果味道和礦物感,十分平衡、舒服。FS 88+

The wine has 20 g/L residual sugar. There are lemon and white floral on the nose. The wine is off-dry with ripen apple and mineral flavours. It is balance and enjoyable. FS 88+

5. Domaine Huet Vouvray Clos du Bourg Demi-sec 2020

散發出蘋果和柑橘等清甜果香。口感圓潤,帶白花、蜜糖、輕微蜂膠和礦物感。整體表現優雅,富複雜性。FS 89

The wine has apple and citrus aromas. It gives round mouth feeling and flavours of white flower, honey, touch of wax flavours, followed by plenty of mineral sensation on the palate. It is elegant with some complexity. FS 89

6. Domaine Huet Vouvray Clos du Bourg Moelleux 2018

這酒含有54 g/L的殘糖量。帶有紅蘋果和蜜糖水的香氣。口感清爽,味道清甜,帶杏脯水、蜜糖和乾果味道。酸度鮮明令酒更加平衡。FS 91+

This wine has 54 g/L residual sugar. The wine has aromas of red apple and honey water. It is fresh on the palate with apricot water, honey and dried fruit flavours. The lively acidity makes the wine more balance. FS 91+

7. Domaine Huet Vouvray Le Mont Moelleux 2009

富有蜜糖、杏脯和橙花香。入口帶滿滿的香橙、蜜糖和礦物味道。這酒優雅、富複雜性,收結悠長。FS 92+

The wine has aromas of honey, apricot and orange flower. There are rich orange flavours with honey and mineral on the palate. The wine is elegant and complex, with long after-taste. FS 92+

8. Domaine Huet Vouvray Le Mont Moelleux 2005

散發出杏脯、蜜糖和乾黃花香。入口帶杏脯、蜜糖、乾果和礦物感。整體細緻、平衡,富複雜性。FS 93

There are apricot, honey and slightly dried-yellow flower aromas. On the palate, there are apricot, honey, dried-fruits and mineral flavours. The wine is delicate, balance with complexity. FS 93

9. Domaine Huet Vouvray Cuvee Constance 2002

香氣複雜,隱約帶有菊花茶、杏脯和蜜糖,感覺成熟。入口味道豐富,餘韻悠長。FS 93+

The wine has complex aromas like chrysanthemum tea, apricot and honey. It is complex with long after-taste. FS 93+









Hong Kong Wine Professional

OIV Master of Sciences in Wine Management 

DipWSET in Wines & Spirits • Level 3 Award in Sake

French Wine Scholar • Spanish Wine Scholar
Awardee of Alexandre Yersin Excellence Scholarship

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