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Emidio Pepe Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 1995

Emidio Pepe is one of my favourite Italian wineries. The most ironic thing is my classmates were visiting Emidio Pepe when I was dealing with the American visa and drinking this bottle with my friends in Hong Kong...Hope I can visit Emidio Pepe in the future…🫠

Emidio Pepe 是小女子其中一個意大利愛莊。最諷刺的是,當小女子回港處理美國簽證,跟朋友喝這酒的時候,同學們正在參觀這家酒莊⋯真希望未來可以去參觀Emidio Pepe⋯🫠

The wine had intensive aromas of coffee, hazelnuts, toast, touch of spices and leather at the beginning. After 2 to 3 hours, there were dried plums, sour cherries and mint notes. The nose was clean, complex and fascinating.


It showed medium-body, medium tannin and medium-plus acidity. The texture was rich, with concentrated flavours of plums, cherries, coffee, mineral, dark chocolate and spices. It kept changing from time to time, and performed perfectly.


This wine is at peak and ready to drink now.


Aromas 香氣: 16/20

Flavours 味道: 15/20

Balance 平衡: 16/20

Complexity 複雜性: 17/20

Ageing Potential 陳年潛力: 8/20

*Overall Performance 整體表現: 16/20*



Hong Kong Wine Professional

OIV Master of Sciences in Wine Management 

DipWSET in Wines & Spirits • Level 3 Award in Sake

French Wine Scholar • Spanish Wine Scholar
Awardee of Alexandre Yersin Excellence Scholarship

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