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Domaine Hubert Lignier Morey Saint Denis 1er Vieilles Vignes 2018

一開瓶已散發出甜紅莓、藍莓、玫瑰花瓣、一絲泥土和香辛氣息,表現開放和活潑。 * 入口酒體適中,單寧成熟,以輕盈而集中的成熟紅莓、黑櫻桃、香辛和小礦石味道為主導,非常平衡、細緻、舒服。 * 這酒給人幼細、優雅、柔性的感覺。 * 儘管沒有居高臨下的氣勢或變化多端的性格,卻令人愉悅而輕鬆。 * 最適合一班朋友輕鬆飲,或者一個人靜靜地在夜晚享受。 * The wine showed lively aromas of ripe red berries, blue berries, rose petals, touch of earth and spice. Medium-bodied, ripe tannin, with soft flavours of ripe red berries, black cherries, spice and mineral. It was balance, fine and pleasant. It was not too complex and powerful, yet with some layers and elegance. * Aromas 香氣: 15/20 Flavours 味道: 15/20 Balance 平衡: 16/20 Complexity 複雜性: 15/20 *Overall Performance 整體表現: 15.5/20*

Reference Price: Sotheby’s Wine HK$1,250 (Vintage 2017)

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