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Corsica | Domaine de Torraccia

Corsica的旅程中最印象深刻的就是Domaine de Torraccia,事關現任莊主Marc Imbert實在太隨性,行為亦有點怪趣,小女子對他的第一印象實在一般,起初更有「想快點參觀完回家」的感覺。

The visit of Domaine de Torraccia is the most unforgettable in Corsica module since the winery owner, Marc Imbert is a casual and interesting person.

Domaine de Torraccia位於Corsica南部的Porto-Vecchio區,於1964年由Christian Imbert創立,兒子Marc Imbert於2008年開始接手。

Domaine de Torraccia is located in the south of Corsica, Porto-Vecchio. It was founded by Christian Imbert in 1964. His son, Marc Imbert took over in 2008.


The winery has 42 ha of vineyards, all of which are certified organic. When we asked about the annual production, Marc replied that he did not remember clearly, and only answered about 200,000 bottles. It was the first time that a winery owner could not answer his annual production. I am surprised but also think that Marc is really a casual person who does not pay much attention on details.

之後我們走到Vineyard了解Viticulture,Marc解釋眼前的葡萄園正在第二年試行Natural Farming,地上隨後長出了些草,Marc更叫我們試吃~小女子嘗後發現這些草於口中帶有芥末味道,十分有趣。

Then, we visited his vineyard to understand more about the viticulture. Marc explained that the vineyard in front of us is under natural farming for 2 years. During this period, some grass grew up and Marc asked us to taste a bit. I tasted and found that there was a mustard flavour which was very interesting.


After the visit, Marc invited us to have another wine tasting at his home nearby.


There was a full moon.


Marc took out a sausage which made us dumbfounded. The ratio of meat and fat was 1:5? It was my first time to have such kind of sausage!


Overall, this visit was very interesting and unforgettable. Although Marc is a bit special, his wines have high quality.

Wine Tasting Notes 酒評:

Salvaticu N.2 2017 | FS 84

100% Vermentinu,帶有梨、桃和雲呢拿的香氣。酸度活潑,表現清爽。

100% Vermentinu. Aromas of pear, peach and vanilla. It is fresh with lively acidity and flavours of stone fruits.


Oriu Rosé 2020 | 83+

80% Niellucciu和20% Sciaccarellu混釀而成。帶有新鮮的士多啤梨和紅莓香氣。酸度活潑,同樣帶紅果,如士多啤梨的味道,是日常飲用的好選擇。

80% Niellucciu and 20% Sciaccarellu. Aromas of fresh strawberry and red berry. It has fresh acidity and red fruits flavours such as strawberry. A good daily drink rosé.

(Aromas 8 / Flavours 12 / Balance 14 / Potential 6 / Overall Performance 14)


Oriu Red 2016 | FS 87

80% Niellucciu和20% Sciaccarellu混釀而成。散發出成熟紅莓和玫瑰的香氣。酒體偏厚,酸度偏高而單寧感適中,有豐富的黑莓、布冧和一絲朱古力味道。

80% Niellucciu and 20% Sciaccarellu. Ripe red berry and rose aromas. The wine is medium-bodied, with medium-plus acidity and medium level of tannin. There are rich black berry, plum and touch of chocolate flavours.

(Aromas 12 / Flavours 13 / Balance 12 / Potential 14 / Overall Performance 14)


Oriu Red 2005 | FS 87

80% Niellucciu和20% Sciaccarellu混釀而成。散發著成熟的布冧乾和酸櫻桃香氣。酒體偏厚,單寧感成熟、適中,酸度清爽。這酒已成熟,適飲。

80% Niellucciu and 20% Sciaccarellu. The wine has dried Chinese plum and sour cherry aromas. Medium-plus body with medium level of ripe tannin and medium-plus level of acidity. It is matured and ready to drink.

(Aromas 13 / Flavours 13 / Balance 14 / Potential 12 / Overall Performance 14)



Hong Kong Wine Professional

OIV Master of Sciences in Wine Management 

DipWSET in Wines & Spirits • Level 3 Award in Sake

French Wine Scholar • Spanish Wine Scholar
Awardee of Alexandre Yersin Excellence Scholarship

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