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Corsica | Clos Culombu

來自法國島嶼Corsica北邊Calvi附近的一個家族式酒莊 - Clos Culombu 成立於1973年,現有超過64公頃葡萄園,均有機種植,並正在邁向生物動力法方式種植。

Founded in 1973, Clos Culombu is located in northern Corsica, near Calvi. They own over 64 ha of vineyards which are cultivated by organic farming and they have now started the conversion to biodynamic practices.


最吸引人之處,除了他們那帶濃郁果香和清爽感的葡萄酒外,莫過於那富空間感和藝術品的 Tasting Room (影片中可見)。

Apart from their wines, the artworks in the tasting room are the attraction of the winery (see video).


當天除了參觀葡萄園了解他們的釀酒哲學外,還被邀請到酒莊享用午餐。最令小女子感受深刻的就是這酒莊充滿情感連繫 - Paul-Antoine 帶領我們參觀葡萄園的同時,而他的爸爸Etienne亦正為我們及在酒窖工作的同事們烤肉,準備午餐;另一邊廂,他的媽媽剛好照顧完馬匹回來跟我們打招呼 - 整個氛圍感覺親厚、緊密。

We visited the vineyards to learn about their winemaking philosophy, and had lunch in the winery. What impressed me the most was the emotional connection of the winery - Paul-Antoine was leading us on winery tour and his father was roasting meat and preparing lunch for us and their colleagues at the same time. In the meantime, his mother just came back from taking care of the horses to say hello to us. The whole atmosphere was really close and warm.

此外,參觀酒窖時亦不難察覺到他們的釀酒設備先進,佈置華麗,頗令人亮眼。 In addition, the advanced winemaking equipment and gorgeous decoration are really eye-catching.

Tasting Note 品評報告:

Etienne Suzzoni Blanc 2021 | FS 87

100% Vermentinu。富有梨、熱情果和一絲白花香。這酒有活潑酸度,帶梨、菠蘿汁和礦物感,表現清爽、熱情和平衡。

Made from 100% Vermentinu. Pear, passion fruits and slightly white flower aromas. It has lively acidity and flavours of pear, pineapple juice and mineral flavours. The wine is fresh, fruity and balance.


Ribbe Rosse 2019 | FS 85

100% Vermentinu,並曾於500公升新木桶中熟成12個月。散發出熱情果和一絲熱帶水果香氣。口感油潤圓滑,充滿果感,直接簡單。

Made from 100% Vermentinu and matured in 500L new oak barrels for 12 months. Aromas of exotic fruits and touch of tropical fruit sensation. It has oily and round texture. The wine is fruity and direct to point.


Tribbiera Rouge 2020 | FS 88

以60% Sciaccarellu、30% Niellucciu和10% Syrah混釀,並曾於混凝土桶中熟成6個月。這酒帶紅莓和黑莓香氣。口感柔滑,酸度偏高,入口富雜莓和紫羅蘭花,表現平衡,有結構和帶點複雜性。

Made from 60% Sciaccarellu, 30% Niellucciu and 10% Syrah, and matured in concrete tank for 6 months. It has red berry and black berry aromas. The mouth feeling is smooth with medium-plus acidity. Plenty of mixed berries and violet on the palate. It is balanced with structure and some complexity.


Storia di Ecce Fructus 2020 | FS 83

以Aleaticu、Carcaghjolu Neru和Minustellu混釀,並曾於混凝土桶中熟成9個月。香氣盛放,帶櫻桃、血橙和紫羅蘭花。酒體和單寧感均屬中等,即使酸度活潑,果感對小女子來說過於濃郁。

Made from Aleaticu, Carcaghjolu Neru and Minustellu, and matured in concrete tank for 9 months. The wine has red cherry, red orange and violet aromas. It has medium body and medium tannin. It is too fruity to me even though the lively acidity makes it more balance.








Hong Kong Wine Professional

OIV Master of Sciences in Wine Management 

DipWSET in Wines & Spirits • Level 3 Award in Sake

French Wine Scholar • Spanish Wine Scholar
Awardee of Alexandre Yersin Excellence Scholarship

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