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Burgundy & Jura | Domaine Ratte

近年見到香港的 Wine Lover 愈喝愈冷門,於法國來說,Jura、Savoie和 Corsica 產區的酒也開始被受關注~有關注開小女子 Instagram Story 的酒友或者有印象小女子於2021年10月時就去了 Jura、於11月去了Savoie,現在正處於 Corsica~也即將出發到西班牙。儘管到處遊走使小女子沒有很多時間靜下來整理筆記、發文更新,但小女子也會盡力在 Instagram Story 作即時簡單分享,也幫大家解解悶,嘿嘿~

於 Jura 中,小女子最為喜歡的就是 Domaine Ratte,他們擁有 9 公頃葡萄園,均以 Biodynamic 方式種植,而接待我們的 Françoise Ratte 很是熱情、親切,更向我們講解當地風土特性,小女子十分喜歡!

酒評 Tasting Note:

1. Chardonnay 2020 | FS 88+


Aromas of yellow flower, white peach and pear water. On the palate, there are pear, yellow peach and mineral flavours. It has touch of oxidative sensation at the after-taste. The wine is balance.

2. Chardonnay Grand Curoulet 2018 | FS 89


Aromas of sweet pear water, white flower and yellow peach. On the palate, there are peach, ripe pear, white flower and mineral flavours. The wine has round mouth-feeling with lively acidity. There are salty mineral sensation and slightly oxidative flavours at the after-taste. The wine has some complexity.

3. Naturé 2018 | FS 89

這酒以 100% Savagnin 釀成,帶咸礦物氣息,夾雜黃蜜桃和熟煮梨香。入口礦物感強,並帶酵母、黃花和梨水味道。整體平衡,富複雜性。

This is made from 100% Savagnin. Aromas of salty mineral, yellow peach and boiled pear. On the palate, the mineral is shape, with flavours of yeast, yellow flower and pear water. The wine is balance with some complexity.

4. Les Corvées 2020 | FS 88+

以 100% Trousseau 釀造而成。品嚐這酒時,它才剛裝瓶一星期。呈磚紅色,散發著熟士多啤梨汁、紅莓和黑櫻桃香氣。入口單寧感中等,酸度活潑,帶有黑櫻桃、士多啤梨汁和礦物感。

This wine is made from 100% Trousseau. It had just bottled for 1 week when I tasted it. Ruby colour. There are aromas of ripe strawberry juice, red berry and dark cherry. On the palate, there are medium level of tannin, lively acidity and flavours of ripe dark cherry, strawberry juice and mineral.

5. Le Dandy Vin de Paille 2015 | FS 88+

這酒以 Chardonnay、Savagnin 和 Poulsard 混釀而成。散發出芒果乾、菠蘿乾和橙黃花香。入口同樣帶有芒果乾、乾杏脯和黃花氣息。這酒含有 160g 的殘糖量。

This wine is made from Chardonnay, Savagnin and Poulsard. Aromas of dried mango, dried pineapple and yellow-orange flower. On the palate, there are dried mango, dried apricot and yellow flower. It has 160g residual sugar.

6. Macvin du Jura L’Aristoc Ratte | FS 90

以 Savagnin 和 Chardonnay 混釀而成的 Macvin du Jura (liquor 利口酒),以葡萄酒和以蒸餾形式從葡萄酒提取出的酒精製成。散發出菊花茶、綠茶和茉莉花的香氣,非常特別。入口帶有蜜糖、乾杏脯和芒果乾的味道,尾段更滲透出蘋果茶的味道。相對 Vin de Paille,這瓶酒沒那麼甜。

This Macvin du Jura is made from Savagnin and Chardonnay. There are aromas of chrysanthemum tea, green tea and jasmine on the nose. On the palate, there are honey, dried apricot and dried mango flavours, finish by touch of apple tea flavours. When comparing with Vin de Paille, this is less sweeter.



Hong Kong Wine Professional

OIV Master of Sciences in Wine Management 

DipWSET in Wines & Spirits • Level 3 Award in Sake

French Wine Scholar • Spanish Wine Scholar
Awardee of Alexandre Yersin Excellence Scholarship

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