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Burgundy & Jura | Domaine Dujac

Domaine Dujac 是小女子的喜愛酒莊之一,想不到可以拜訪,實在太開心了!

小女子對 Dujac 的酒一直存在好奇,為甚麼總是聞到一股性感的成熟水果混合玫瑰花香?莊主 Jeremy Seysses 回答,甜美的水果香氣來自有足夠成熟度的葡萄⋯⋯然而,小女子認為不止如此,要不然其他酒莊也會找到這種香氣,Jeremy 表示,這就不知道了。

品酒期間值得一提的是,最後兩款酒是 Jeremy 開來 Blind Tasting 的~


1. Domaine Dujac Morey-Saint-Denis Premier Cru Monts Luisants 2019

這是小女子第一次嘗 Monts Luisants,她帶有熟桃、熟檸檬和白花香,感覺優雅~入口帶有桃、熟梨、蘋果和礦物味道,成熟果感配上活潑酸度,整體表現平衡。 FS 88+

It is my first time to try this cuvee. The wine has aromas of ripe peach, ripe lemon and white flower. On the palate, there are peach, ripe pear, apple and mineral. The fruit flavours are ripe. The acidity is lively and comfortable. It is lively, balance with elegance wine. FS 88+

2. Domaine Dujac Morey-Saint-Denis 2019

這小妮子散發著如糖果般甜的紅莓、紅花和新鮮覆盆子香氣,入口更帶出黑櫻桃和礦物感。酸度活潑而果感純淨。雖然單寧感有點突出,還需要多陳幾年,但現在年輕而美麗。FS 90+

There are aromas of candy-liked red berry, red flower and fresh raspberry. It has red berry, dark cherry and black berry flavours, as well as mineral. The acidity is lively and fruit flavours are pure. The tannin is a little bit rough and need more time to be well-integrated. The wine is young and beautiful. FS 90+

3. Domaine Dujac Morey-Saint-Denis Premier Cru 2019

這酒非常年輕、有活力~帶有滿滿的紫紅花、藍莓、成熟黑莓和黑櫻桃香氣。黑莓和黑櫻桃的果感新鮮、濃郁,配上礦物感,使年輕的 Morey-Saint-Denis Premier Cru 現在喝也不覺乏味。FS 91+

The wine has aromas of blue berry, ripe black berry and black cherry, as well as red-purple floral. On the palate, there are black berry, black cherry and mineral flavours. The wine is young, energetic and has ageing potential. FS 91+

4. Domaine Dujac Grand Cru Clos de la Roche 2019

聞香就如甜品上的小紅花,加上黑莓和黑櫻桃的香氣,表現年輕、可愛且迷人。入口的黑莓、黑櫻桃和礦物味道濃郁而強大,當中更滲透出花香,配上成熟單寧,非常舒服、平衡。FS 93

There are sweet red flower, black berry and black cherry aromas. The black berry, black cherry and mineral flavours are rich and powerful on the palate…red flower to be followed, with ripe tannin, overall is comfortable and balance. FS 93

5. Domaine Dujac Gevrey Chambertin Premier Cru Aux Combottes 2001

在布冧、黑梅、黑櫻桃的果香下隱約找到一絲木香、香辛和泥土的氣息,香氣複雜。入口以梅果、香辛和輕微橡木作襯托,整體複雜、優雅而平衡。FS 92+

Black Plum and black cherry are with touch of oak, spice and earthy on the nose. The aromas is complex. There are berry, spice and slightly oak flavours on the palate. Overall is complex, elegant and balance. FS 92+

6. Domaine Dujac Morey-Saint-Denis Clos Saint Denis 1995

乾布冧、乾玫瑰和輕微的甜香辛香氣散發出成熟、迷人的氣息。入口以成熟的紅莓和布冧為主調,並以酸櫻桃和礦物作配襯。這酒表現成熟、適飲、漂亮。FS 93

Aromas of dried plum, dried rose and touch of sweet spice…this wine is so mature and charming. Ripe red berry and plum are followed by sour cherry and mineral on the palate. It is ready to drink and beautiful. FS 93



Hong Kong Wine Professional

OIV Master of Sciences in Wine Management 

DipWSET in Wines & Spirits • Level 3 Award in Sake

French Wine Scholar • Spanish Wine Scholar
Awardee of Alexandre Yersin Excellence Scholarship

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