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Bangkok Restaurant | Le Du


Banana Prawn | Seaweeds | Toasted Chill

Seabass|Cladophora|Northern Curry

Tigar Prawn | Turmeric Curry | Shrimp Paste

Ocean Catfish | Cauliflower | Wolffia Curry

Aged Thai Wagyu | Liver | Nam-Tok

Coconut | Sesame

Seasonal Fruit

Petit Four

The Asia’s 50 best restaurant, number 1. The dishes were so good, so Thai ❤️ ! Love it so much ⭐️ Highly recommend 🍷

亞洲 Top 50 餐廳 Number 1 - Le Du!

非常富泰國風味的 Fine Dining,太好吃了 ❤️ 配酒不過不失,但食物都有驚喜。雖說是 Fine Dining,但氛圍沒有很拘謹,還是有一點隨性的~🌸 一定要去試啊 🥰

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