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Aosta Valley, Italy | La Plantze

瑞士過後,我們來到了意大利的Aosta Valley。

Aosta Valley與Piemonte、法國及瑞士為鄰,又近阿爾卑斯山和 Mont Blanc,是意大利面積最小的產酒區,只佔意大利 DOC 產酒量大約 0.05 %。這裏的人多說法語,對小女子來說是一個「很不意大利」的意大利地區。

位於Aosta Valley的La Plantze歷史可追溯至80年代,現僅擁有 6 公頃葡萄園,年產約 20,000 瓶。他們除了種植 Petit Rouge、Cornalin、Fumin和Mayolet,還有International Grapes如:Sauvignon Blanc、Merlot、Pinot Gris等等⋯⋯


接待我們的Giorgio Anselmet非常好客,當天共開了22款酒予我們品嘗,以下是小女子比較喜歡的酒款:

Trii Rundin 2020 - FS 87

Made from 100% Pinot Grigio. 50% fermented in barrel and 50% fermented in stainless steel tank for 9 months. The wine has round and full body with vanilla, cream and white peach aromas. There are flavours of lemon, pear, white peach and cream flavours with mineral at the finish.

採用100% Pinot Grigio,一半於木桶、一半於不鏽鋼桶陳釀9個月而成。口感豐厚圓潤,帶有明顯的雲呢拿、奶油和白桃香。入口帶檸檬、梨、白桃和奶油味道,並而一絲礦物作收結。


Al Mister 2020 - FS 87

Made from Viognier and Sauvignon Blanc. The wine has yellow plum, citrus and lemon peel aromas. It has ripe fruit flavours with lemon grass and mineral sensation with lively acidity. It is balance and easy drinking.

以Viognier和Sauvignon Blanc混釀。散及出黃布冧、柑橘和檸檬皮的白氣。入口帶有檸檬草、梨和礦物味道。果感成熟、酸度鮮明,平衡、平易近人。


Maison Anselmet Le Prisonnier 2020 - FS 88

Made from 40% Petit Rouge, 30% Cornalin, 20% Fumin and 10% Mayolet. The wine has rich aromas of smoke, black cherry, plum and black berry. Full body, strong structure with ripe fruit, mineral and oak flavours. It has complexity and high ageing potential.

採用 40% Petit Rouge、30% Cornalin、20% Fumin和10% Mayolet混釀而成。散發出濃郁的煙燻、黑櫻桃、布冧和黑莓香氣。酒體豐厚,結構扎實,果感成熟澎湃,並帶礦物和木桶感,富複雜性和陳年能力。FS 88


Maison Anselmet Balôs 2020 - FS 91+

Made from 50% Petit Rouge, 35% Fumin, 10% Cornalin and 5% Mayolet. Grapes dried on the racks. The wine has dried red berry, black cherry candy, jam, touch of mint and truffle aromas. Full body, round mouth feeling with rich fruit flavours of black berry, black cherry jan, dark chocolate and red flower. The wine is balance with ripe tannin and lively acidity. Long finish.

以經過風乾的 50% Petit Rouge、35% Fumin、10% Cornalin和5% Mayolet混釀,散發出乾紅莓、黑櫻桃糖、果醬般、一絲薄荷和松露的香氣。果香濃郁、甜美~口感圓厚、單寧成熟而酸度鮮明活潑,使整體感覺平衡。入口帶有黑莓、黑櫻桃果醬、黑朱古力和深紅花。結構強勁,收結悠長。



Hong Kong Wine Professional

OIV Master of Sciences in Wine Management 

DipWSET in Wines & Spirits • Level 3 Award in Sake

French Wine Scholar • Spanish Wine Scholar
Awardee of Alexandre Yersin Excellence Scholarship

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