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【小女子生日會|二】2013 Mongeard Mugneret Echézeaux La Grande Complication

終於都考完 WSET Level 4 了,這三個月總算暫時鬆一口氣 (小女子很有自知之明,明年一月大多要補考,哈哈) ,可以寫寫考試前喝過而又想分享的好酒~🍷🍷 這瓶 Mongeard Mugneret Echézeaux La Grande Complication 2013 是當晚小女子帶去的,從未嚐過,就想在生日嚐一嚐~😋 La Grande Complication 這系列是 Mongeard Mugneret 於 2012 年才推出,取代了本身的 Echézeaux Vieilles Vignes 系列。當晚酒友形容得好,這系列就是繼續「在 Grand Cru 田中找 Grand Cru」,顧名意義,就是比本身的 Echézeaux 再精緻一點、高級一點、賣貴一點,哈哈✨✨ 用跟製作鐘錶一樣般細緻去做這系列的名字,葡萄均是在 Echézeaux 中細心挑選,再經 100% 新木桶陳釀而成。儘管 2013 年的收成不比 2012,這瓶的年產也不算少,有 150,000 瓶。 當晚早四小時開瓶時已帶有濃郁且活潑的成熟紅莓以及新鮮紅花香氣。 到達餐廳後 (距開瓶有五個多小時),這瓶的香氣更加盛開、複雜,除了開始時的成熟紅果、花香,還多帶點黑布冧、覆盆子、黑莓、甜香辛、碎小石礦物,香氣盛放得很。 酒體偏厚,酸度充足,令那濃郁果味感覺更加平衡。收結悠長,帶點木桶香辛和小石礦物的感覺。整體略帶深度,始終酒還十分十分年輕,需要更多時間使她更加細膩、有層次。

Just finished my WSET Level 4 exam last week (I probably need to re-take it on next Jan) are more available to write something about the wines which I tasted before my examination, yeah!

I brought this Mongeard Mugneret Echézeaux La Grande Complication 2013 to my birthday party. This was my first time to taste this series from Mongeard Mugneret.

2011 was the last vintage for the old vines Echézeaux and La Grande Complication is a replacement. 2012 is the first vintage of it. 100% new oak maturation. Total production: 150,000 bottles (the production is slightly lower than 2012 vintage)

The wine was opened 4 hours before I going to the restaurant. It has a rich and lively aromas of red berries and floral.

When I tasted this wine again (5 hours something after opening), the aromas became more expressive and complex - apart from the ripe red fruits and floral, it had dark plum, raspberry, blackberry, sweet spice and small-stone like mineral.

Medium-plus bodied, high acidity which made the wine much more balance with the rich fruit flavours. Long finish with some oak spice and mineral at the end. Overall perfect with some complexity. The wine was too young and it should have more layers and details after ageing. FS 93


Hong Kong Wine Professional

OIV Master of Sciences in Wine Management 

DipWSET in Wines & Spirits • Level 3 Award in Sake

French Wine Scholar • Spanish Wine Scholar
Awardee of Alexandre Yersin Excellence Scholarship

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