Domaine Lecheneaut-一個位於 Nuits-Saint-Georges 的精品酒莊,曾被《神之水滴》漫畫介紹過,又被選為 《The Great Domaines of Burgundy》的 Top 68 Côte de Nuits 酒莊。 他們自1950年開始種植葡萄,先前都是賣葡萄予酒商,至90年代才開始自己釀酒,直至2000年起全面採用有機種植。這夜嚐的 Clos de la Roche 是他們家的頂級酒款~來自僅0.08公頃,有平均60年樹齡的老藤,年產只有400至500多瓶。 這瓶酒的整體感覺都比較活潑、果感強。帶有許多熟紅莓、黑布冧、黑櫻桃、紫羅蘭、肉桂、微微烤桶的香氣。入口果味同樣濃郁、單寧成熟、口感飽滿,有大酒之風,只是現在喝實在還過於年輕。 更想不到的是,當時價錢折後不到 HKD 1,400,事隔5個月再上 Wine Seacher 看看才知道價錢漲了不少⋯⋯不得不感嘆,酒價有時比樓價還誇張 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️
FS 93
Domaine Lecheneaut is a boutique winery from Nuits Saint Georges, which was recommended by comics 'Drops of God' and was selected as one of the best 68 Côte de Nuits wineries.
They began planting grapes since 1950 and sold them to wine merchants. They started making wine in 90s and adopted organic farming since 2000. This Clos de la Roche is their top selection - made from the vins aged average 60 years old in a 0.08 ha of vineyard. Annual production is just around 400-500 bottles.
This wine is lively and fruit-driven. Lots of red berries, black plum, black cherry, violet, cinnamon as well as hints of toasted oak. Full-bodied, rich texture with ripe tannin one the palate - This is a big wine but is too young to drink now.
The most unexpected is that I bought the wine at around HKD 1,400 but now the price goes crazy now...
FS 93