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1981 Chateau Chasse Spleen

Chateau Chasse Spleen 一個小女子又愛又恨的酒莊。 恨的,不外乎他新年份時的濃厚單寧,強橫氣勢,不那麼平易近人。愛的,就是經過時間洗禮後,他的那份濃郁風味,柔滑而厚質的質感。整個過程,就像一個少女,在跌跌碰碰後,由不懂事、倔強的一個人,漸漸變得溫柔、成熟。 這瓶1981年,正處於高峰。 起初開瓶時的森林氣息、泥土、乾野草、礦物石頭的氣息有點令人納悶,有點蓋過了黑莓、黑布冧、熟藍莓⋯⋯但約一個半小時過後,當前者氣息漸漸變得柔和,黑、紅果香愈來愈濃而夾雜一點香辛以及礦物口感時,小女子不得不感嘆⋯⋯這就是真正的Chateau Chasse Spleen。


FS 90+

Chateau Chasse Spleen - one of the wineries that I love and hate.

I hate its strong tannin and aggressive momentum when it is young. However, Chateau Chasse Spleen always become richer, more complex and high fruit concentration with softer tannin and strong structure when it gets 'older' - It is totally different from what it looked like when it was young.

1981 was at peak.

A strong sense of forest floor, earthy, dry weeds and mineral at the beginning - made me a bit un-amazed. After half an hour, the earthy aromas became softer and the fruit concentration became richer - black berries, black plum, ripe blue berries....with mineral texture on the palate. This was the REAL Chateau Chasse Spleen.

FS 93

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