《大酒●聚》的第一個Tasting Note,就選當晚我最喜愛的白酒-2003 Domaine Georges Roumier Corton Charlemagne Grand Cru 來做個開場吧!(如果每枝酒都寫一篇報告,應該可以「玩」半個月😱) 這是我第一次嚐Domaine G. Roumier的白酒,而她們的白酒出品就只有這塊我最愛的Corton Charlemagne 葡萄田,令我既興奮,又期待~😚 然而,我亦知道Bourgogne的酒莊很難同時做好紅酒和白酒,所以對此又不敢抱有太多期望 (很矛盾的心情👉👈)。 些微奶油的桶香夾雜一點熟果感-芒果、香蕉、菠蘿⋯⋯應是受到年份影響的緣故~入口酒體厚身,質感帶點奶油,酸度算不上高,卻沒有很膩的感覺⋯悠長餘韻混合一點礦物在後頭~ 酒放久了,原先的熟果香間還滲出一點黃花,令整枝酒變得更可愛、迷人😊,我這個白酒愛好者頗為喜歡💖💖。 整體來說,這枝Domaine G. Roumier Corton Charlemagne不錯喝,唯一的遺憾就是年份的不完美,令整枝酒有點熟的感覺~如果酸度再鮮明一些小女子會更喜歡~但對於一個釀造紅酒為名的酒莊來說,這枝年產只有千多瓶的白酒真的很難得🎊🎊。 當晚大家都刻意把白酒安排在配角的位置,讓紅酒的光芒不被掩蓋。而這枝白酒雖算不上驚為天人的作品,卻把配角的角色演繹得很成功。雖她不是我的大愛,但我真的很慶幸可以有機會嚐試得到,謝謝酒主☺️。FS 93
A creamy oak flavor with slightly riper tropical fruit aromas like mango, banana and pineapple…should be some of the vintage's characteristics. Full-bodied with a creamy texture. The acidity was not high but the freshness of the wine is reasonably retained. Long after-taste with mineral and hints of fruit characters in depth. Revealed some yellow-floral aromas accompanied by tropical fruit flavors after an hour which made the wine more complex and lovely.
Overall, I like the wine although the acidity was not perfect regarding to the vintage factor. (As I prefer more crispy acidity and more fresh fruits) The wine can drink now and have potential for further 3-5 years ageing. However, I do not expect too much on the development after ageing. FS 93
English version modification credited by Margaret Lee