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這不是一本品酒書,也不是一本關於Terroir 的書,主要是講述不同酒款的釀酒過程,從中加了些少作者自己的






This book is not about wine tasting and even not talking about Terroir. It’s about wine making process. The author also shares some of his experience on making wine.

The first eight topics are about wine making process of different types of wine including red wine, white wine, sparkling wine, brandy, port, sherry etc. For those who have basic wine knowledge will feel more comfortable on these topics. I think this book can be treated as a Chinese reference book on wine making.

For the last section, the author introduce some Bordeaux information and express some of his comments on Bordeaux wine.

Overall, this book is good to read, at least, I can do revision on my wine study with this book, haha.

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